

Each piece of my kitchen and tableware leaves the workshop in the best condition, but should you wish to return anything, I am happy to refund or exchange a standard product provided it is returned to me in perfect, unused condition within 14 days. Please make sure that you look at your order on arrival and are happy with your products before disposing of its packaging. Please call me on 01548 831330 or contact me to discuss the best way to return your item.

If an item is damaged in transit, faulty or incorrect I will cover the costs of its return. Otherwise, products must be returned at your own cost. Please also ensure that any package you send is insured to the value of its contents as I cannot take responsibility for any items that are lost or damaged in the post.

All return items should be sent to: Arwyn Jones Ceramics, 2 Galpin Street, Modbury, Ivybridge, Devon, PL21 0QA.

When I have received your returned item, I will arrange your exchange or refund within 30 days.

*None of the above affects your statutory rights if goods are faulty or not as described. Your rights to return goods are protected under the EU Distance Selling Directive.
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